This App works with any FTP server.  You can find a full version of this guide on our blog.

Configure your FTP Server

We recommend that you create a separate user for Blit. This user needs to be able to create folders and files and to navigate in the folders created.

Configure the Blit App

Once a new user has been created in your FTP server, you can create a new FTP App:

  • Name: a custom name used in web captures to select the app.
  • Type:  FTP
  • Username: The username used by Blit to log in to your FTP server.
  • Password: The password used by Blit to log in to your FTP server.
  • Port: The port number of the FTP server (21 by default)
  • Path: The folder where captures will be uploaded. See our guide for using variables.
  • File name: The file name used for the captures. See our guide for using variables.

Then click on Verify. Blit will attempt to upload the image blit.png to the path specified. If there is a problem, an error message will be shown. You can also check if you see the file in your FTP server for confirmation.

Now that the App has been configured and verified, you can use it with new and existing captures.