This section lets you specify exactly when you would like the web capture to occur. You can specify days of the week, days of the month, or exact dates for the capture to run. Days of the week and month are recurring and will allow you to take captures repeatedly. However, if you only set an Exact Date for the capture to run, then it will only run on that date. 

The schedule options are:

  • Daily
  • Days of the week: run the capture on Mondays and Wednesdays only for example
  • Days of the month: run the capture on the first day of the month for example
  • Custom: pick a combination of days of the week, days of the month, and specific dates
  • Period: from a start date to an end date

Note that if you set multiple of these schedules with a custom schedule, the capture will run if any of the scenarios are true. Take the following screenshot as an example:

For this screenshot, the capture will run every Monday and Tuesday, and on the 1st and 31st of the month, and on October 18th, 2022 at both 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM. This level of customization should fit almost any use case.

It's also important to note that the capture times are in the timezone that is set for your account. You can change your timezone from the "Account" page.